viernes, 9 de febrero de 2007

S/C De La Palma has a population of 21.000 people.It hasn't got rivers.
It is on the east cost of the island.
S/C De La Palma is the capital of the island.

S/C De La Palma is a small town, but is very beautiful.There are many shops,squears, the best squeare is La Alameda squear.
There are some museums,like El Barco De la Virgen.

S/C De La Palma isn't very famous but many tourist visit this.

S/C De La Palma has traffic but it there isn't pollution.
There aren't undergrounds,the air is clean.There are music schools...

I like S/C De La Palma because it is very quiet and peaceful.

jueves, 1 de febrero de 2007

My ScHooL.-.-'
Hi,My School is near my house.I go to Institute by car,because my father's work is near this.
In the past,My Institute was an important Monastery,tipical barroque about 1700.In the past it was a convent with many monks and nice church next to this.
Institute is Seventy-Five Years Old!!!

Inside,there are about 50 classrooms,in this there are especial classrooms,like chemistry laboratory.The Classes begin at 8 o,clock and finish at 14 o'clock.We have 2 break times:the first begin at 10 0'clock,and the second begin at 12 0'clock.Every day,we have 6 classes about 55 minutes:
Language,English,Maths,Chemistry,Biology,Paint class,Physical education,Geography Technology...I like Chemistry,because is very funny.

Outside there is a canteen:
Chips,Chocolate,Sandwichs,Chupa-Chupa,Chenwing-gums and Soft Drink.
I like this School because is near my house and i have a lot of friends hear.:P

jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2006

HeLlO, mY NaMe iS JeSuS aNd I aM 14 yEaRS oLd.
I LiVe iN s/c De lA PaLmA,
I'VE gOt A BLaCk StRaIgHt LoNg hAiR,i'vE gOt BroWn EyEs AnD i'm ThIn,i'M mEdIuM hEiGhT.
i tHiNK tHaT i'm A ...hArD-wOrKiNg,CoNfiDeNt,GeNeRoUs,HapPy...PeRsOn.
I LiKe PlaYiNg FoOtBAll,GoInG oUt WiTh MiS friEnDs...
I'M gOoD aT maThS aNd BiOlOgY.
i'm nOt GoOd At plAsTiC eDuCaTiOn,BasKeTbALl...
I'M iNTeReSt In mUsIc AnD fOoTbAlL,aNd ThE sChOoL!!!:s:s
I dOn't LiKe Fish,vErY veRy,
I HaTe DrAw!!!!!
I prEfEr LiStENInG tO mUsIc To DaNcInG.
aT tHe WeeKeNdS i GoInG oUt WiTh Mi FrIendS.